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A heptahedron is a polyhedron with seven faces. Because there are 34 heptahedral graphs, there are 34 topologically distinct convex heptahedra. There are three semiregular ...
A curve alpha on a regular surface M is a principal curve iff the velocity alpha^' always points in a principal direction, i.e., S(alpha^')=kappa_ialpha^', where S is the ...
A closed three-dimensional figure (which may, according to some terminology conventions, be self-intersecting). Kern and Bland (1948, p. 18) define a solid as any limited ...
A geodesic is a locally length-minimizing curve. Equivalently, it is a path that a particle which is not accelerating would follow. In the plane, the geodesics are straight ...
Let kappa_1 and kappa_2 be the principal curvatures, then their mean H=1/2(kappa_1+kappa_2) (1) is called the mean curvature. Let R_1 and R_2 be the radii corresponding to ...
The normal vector, often simply called the "normal," to a surface is a vector which is perpendicular to the surface at a given point. When normals are considered on closed ...
An open connected set is called a region (sometimes also called a domain).
Given a map with genus g>0, Heawood showed in 1890 that the maximum number N_u of colors necessary to color a map (the chromatic number) on an unbounded surface is N_u = ...
Cayley's cubic surface is the unique cubic surface having four ordinary double points (Hunt), the maximum possible for cubic surface (Endraß). The Cayley cubic is invariant ...
The angle of incidence of a ray to a surface is measured as the difference in angle between the ray and the normal vector of the surface at the point of intersection.
