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A closed geometric figure on the surface of a sphere which is formed by the arcs of great circles. The spherical polygon is a generalization of the spherical triangle. If ...
A polyhedron constructed by ruling 2n equally spaced vertical lines along the surface of a cylinder together with 2n^3 circles around the cylinder at equally spaced heights. ...
The first Yff triangle is the Cevian triangle DeltaA^'B^'C^' of the first Yff point. The area of the first Yff triangle is Delta=(u^3)/(2R), where R is the circumradius of ...
The flat norm on a current is defined by F(S)=int{Area T+Vol(R):S-T=partialR}, where partialR is the boundary of R.
The Gauss-Bonnet formula has several formulations. The simplest one expresses the total Gaussian curvature of an embedded triangle in terms of the total geodesic curvature of ...
A capsule is a term coined here for a stadium of revolution, i.e., a cylinder with two hemispherical caps on either end. The capsule is implemented in the Wolfram Language as ...
A hexagrammic prism is a prism formed by two regular hexagrams offset along their symmetry axis and with corresponding edges connected by lateral faces. For an equilateral ...
A octagrammic prism is a prism formed by two regular octagrams offset along their symmetry axis and with corresponding edges connected by lateral faces. For an equilateral ...
The space of currents arising from rectifiable sets by integrating a differential form is called the space of two-dimensional rectifiable currents. For C a closed bounded ...
The rectifiable sets include the image of any Lipschitz function f from planar domains into R^3. The full set is obtained by allowing arbitrary measurable subsets of ...
