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Solution of a system of second-order homogeneous ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients of the form (d^2x)/(dt^2)+bx=0, where b is a positive definite ...
int_0^(pi/2)cos^nxdx = int_0^(pi/2)sin^nxdx (1) = (sqrt(pi)Gamma(1/2(n+1)))/(nGamma(1/2n)) (2) = ((n-1)!!)/(n!!){1/2pi for n=2, 4, ...; 1 for n=3, 5, ..., (3) where Gamma(n) ...
An open three-manifold which is simply connected but is topologically distinct from Euclidean three-space.
Two patterns T_1 and T_2 belong to the same Wilf class if |S_n(T_1)|=|S_n(T_2)| for all n, where S_n(T) denotes the set of permutations on {1,...,n} that avoid the pattern T. ...
An even alternating permutation number, more commonly called a tangent number.
The two-dimensional map x_(n+1) = [x_n+nu(1+muy_n)+epsilonnumucos(2pix_n)] (mod 1) (1) y_(n+1) = e^(-Gamma)[y_n+epsiloncos(2pix_n)], (2) where mu=(1-e^(-Gamma))/Gamma (3) ...
There is only one point in front of a perspective drawing where its three mutually perpendicular vanishing points appear in mutually perpendicular directions, but such a ...
A graph G is k-factorable if it is the union of disjoint k-factors (Skiena 1990, p. 244).
A group is called k-transitive group if there exists a set of elements on which the group acts faithfully and k-transitively. It should be noted that transitivity computed ...
_8phi_7[a,qa^(1/2),-qa^(1/2),b,c,d,e,q^(-N); a^(1/2),-a^(1/2),(aq)/b,(aq)/c,(aq)/d,(aq)/e,aq^(N+1);q,(aq^(N+2))/(bcde)] ...
