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1011 - 1020 of 1719 for Surface AreaSearch Results
A multivalued function, also known as a multiple-valued function (Knopp 1996, part 1 p. 103), is a "function" that assumes two or more distinct values in its range for at ...
A plot of the cells on a grid satisfying bitwise XOR(a,b)<n for consecutive values of n=1, 2, .... It is thought that it was discovered by Jackson Wright on the RLE PDP-1 ...
The functions theta_s(u) = (H(u))/(H^'(0)) (1) theta_d(u) = (Theta(u+K))/(Theta(k)) (2) theta_c(u) = (H(u))/(H(K)) (3) theta_n(u) = (Theta(u))/(Theta(0)), (4) where H(u) and ...
Two lines in two-dimensional Euclidean space are said to be parallel if they do not intersect. In three-dimensional Euclidean space, parallel lines not only fail to ...
A patch (also called a local surface) is a differentiable mapping x:U->R^n, where U is an open subset of R^2. More generally, if A is any subset of R^2, then a map x:A->R^n ...
If G is a weighted tree with weights w_i>1 assigned to each vertex v_i, then G is perfectly weighted if the matrix M_G=[w_1 0 ... 0; 0 w_2 ... 0; | ... ... |; 0 0 ... ...
A phase portrait is a plot of multiple phase curves corresponding to different initial conditions in the same phase plane (Tabor 1989, p. 14). Phase portraits for simple ...
A planar connected graph is a graph which is both planar and connected. The numbers of planar connected graphs with n=1, 2, ... nodes are 1, 1, 2, 6, 20, 99, 646, 5974, ...
A topological transformation in which a surface is made out of an infinitely elastic material which, however, may not be torn or cut. Using this simple prescription gives the ...
The principal branch of an analytic multivalued function, also called a principal sheet, is a single-valued "slice" (i.e., branch) of the function chosen that is for ...
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