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951 - 960 of 1606 for Square roots and radicalsSearch Results
The Steiner circumellipse is the circumellipse that is the isotomic conjugate of the line at infinity and the isogonal conjugate of the Lemoine axis. It has circumconic ...
The tribonacci numbers are a generalization of the Fibonacci numbers defined by T_1=1, T_2=1, T_3=2, and the recurrence equation T_n=T_(n-1)+T_(n-2)+T_(n-3) (1) for n>=4 ...
Let S be a collection of subsets of a finite set X. A subset Y of X that meets every member of S is called the vertex cover, or hitting set. A vertex cover of a graph G can ...
The cuboctahedron, also called the heptaparallelohedron or dymaxion (the latter according to Buckminster Fuller; Rawles 1997), is the Archimedean solid with faces 8{3}+6{4}. ...
The m×n rook graph (confusingly called the m×n grid by Brouwer et al. 1989, p. 440) and also sometimes known as a lattice graph (e.g., Brouwer) is the graph Cartesian product ...
A (0,1)-matrix is an integer matrix in which each element is a 0 or 1. It is also called a logical matrix, binary matrix, relation matrix, or Boolean matrix. The number of ...
The Delannoy numbers D(a,b) are the number of lattice paths from (0,0) to (b,a) in which only east (1, 0), north (0, 1), and northeast (1, 1) steps are allowed (i.e., ->, ^, ...
An equilateral triangle is a triangle with all three sides of equal length a, corresponding to what could also be known as a "regular" triangle. An equilateral triangle is ...
The Harries-Wong graph is one of the three (3,10)-cage graphs, the other two being the (10,3)-cage known as the Balaban 10-cage and the Harries graph. The Harries-Wong graph ...
The Harries graph is one of the three (3,10)-cage graphs, the other two being the (10,3)-cage known as the Balaban 10-cage and the Harries-Wong graph. The Harries graph is ...
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