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371 - 380 of 1606 for Square roots and radicalsSearch Results
The prime zeta function P(s)=sum_(p)1/(p^s), (1) where the sum is taken over primes is a generalization of the Riemann zeta function zeta(s)=sum_(k=1)^infty1/(k^s), (2) where ...
A periodic continued fraction is a continued fraction (generally a regular continued fraction) whose terms eventually repeat from some point onwards. The minimal number of ...
Newton's method for finding roots of a complex polynomial f entails iterating the function z-[f(z)/f^'(z)], which can be viewed as applying the Euler backward method with ...
Given a unit disk, find the smallest radius r(n) required for n equal disks to completely cover the unit disk. The first few such values are r(1) = 1 (1) r(2) = 1 (2) r(3) = ...
A Gaussian integer is a complex number a+bi where a and b are integers. The Gaussian integers are members of the imaginary quadratic field Q(sqrt(-1)) and form a ring often ...
An elliptic integral is an integral of the form int(A(x)+B(x)sqrt(S(x)))/(C(x)+D(x)sqrt(S(x)))dx, (1) or int(A(x)dx)/(B(x)sqrt(S(x))), (2) where A(x), B(x), C(x), and D(x) ...
Two elements alpha, beta of a field K, which is an extension field of a field F, are called conjugate (over F) if they are both algebraic over F and have the same minimal ...
Curves with Cartesian equation ay^2=x(x^2-2bx+c) with a>0. The above equation represents the third class of Newton's classification of cubic curves, which Newton divided into ...
The McGee graph is a cubic symmetric graph on 24 nodes and 36 edges which is the unique 7-cage graph. It can be constructed as the union of the two leftmost subgraphs ...
An n×n complex matrix A is called positive definite if R[x^*Ax]>0 (1) for all nonzero complex vectors x in C^n, where x^* denotes the conjugate transpose of the vector x. In ...
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