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1031 - 1040 of 1606 for Square roots and radicalsSearch Results
The circumsphere of given set of points, commonly the vertices of a solid, is a sphere that passes through all the points. A circumsphere does not always exist, but when it ...
Consider a combination lock consisting of n buttons that can be pressed in any combination (including multiple buttons at once), but in such a way that each number is pressed ...
Let A^~, B^~, ... be operators. Then the commutator of A^~ and B^~ is defined as [A^~,B^~]=A^~B^~-B^~A^~. (1) Let a, b, ... be constants, then identities include [f(x),x] = 0 ...
If V and W are Banach spaces and T:V->W is a bounded linear operator, the T is said to be a compact operator if it maps the unit ball of V into a relatively compact subset of ...
The companion matrix to a monic polynomial a(x)=a_0+a_1x+...+a_(n-1)x^(n-1)+x^n (1) is the n×n square matrix A=[0 0 ... 0 -a_0; 1 0 ... 0 -a_1; 0 1 ... 0 -a_2; | | ... ... |; ...
A set of orthogonal functions {phi_n(x)} is termed complete in the closed interval x in [a,b] if, for every piecewise continuous function f(x) in the interval, the minimum ...
Two complex numbers x=a+ib and y=c+id are multiplied as follows: xy = (a+ib)(c+id) (1) = ac+ibc+iad-bd (2) = (ac-bd)+i(ad+bc). (3) In component form, ...
The composite number problem asks if for a given positive integer N there exist positive integers m and n such that N=mn. The complexity of the composite number problem was ...
Pairs of partitions for a single number whose Ferrers diagrams transform into each other when reflected about the line y=-x, with the coordinates of the upper left dot taken ...
The connected sum M_1#M_2 of n-manifolds M_1 and M_2 is formed by deleting the interiors of n-balls B_i^n in M_i^n and attaching the resulting punctured manifolds M_i-B^._i ...
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