The companion matrix to a monic polynomial
is the square matrix
with ones on the subdiagonal and the last column given by the coefficients of . Note that in the literature, the companion matrix is sometimes
defined with the rows and columns switched, i.e., the transpose
of the above matrix.
is the standard basis, a companion matrix satisfies
for ,
as well as
The matrix minimal polynomial of the companion matrix is therefore , which is also its characteristic
Companion matrices are used to write a matrix in rational canonical form. In fact, any matrix whose matrix
minimal polynomial
has polynomial degree
is similar to the companion
matrix for
The rational canonical form is more interesting
when the degree of
is less than
The following Wolfram Language command gives the companion matrix for a polynomial in the variable
CompanionMatrix[p_, x_] := Module[ {n, w = CoefficientList[p, x]}, w = -w/Last[w]; n = Length[w] - 1; SparseArray[{{i_, n} :> w[[i]], {i_, j_} /; i == j + 1 -> 1}, {n, n}]]