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Let A be a commutative complex Banach algebra. A nonzero homomorphism from A onto the field of complex numbers is called a character. Every character is automatically ...
A characteristic factor is a factor in a particular factorization of the totient function phi(n) such that the product of characteristic factors gives the representation of a ...
A circular embedding is a graph embedding in which all graph vertices lie on a common circle, usually arranged so they are equally spaced around the circumference. Specific ...
The circular points at infinity, also called the isotropic points, are the pair of (complex) points on the line at infinity through which all circles pass. The circular ...
The closed graph theorem states that a linear operator between two Banach spaces X and Y is continuous iff it has a closed graph, where the "graph" {(x,f(x)):x in X} is ...
Cluster analysis is a technique used for classification of data in which data elements are partitioned into groups called clusters that represent collections of data elements ...
Determining the length of a country's coastline is not as simple as it first appears, as first considered by L. F. Richardson (1881-1953) and sometimes known as the ...
The compact-open topology is a common topology used on function spaces. Suppose X and Y are topological spaces and C(X,Y) is the set of continuous maps from f:X->Y. The ...
A completely multiplicative function, sometimes known as linear or totally multiplicative function, is an arithmetic function f(n) such that f(mn)=f(m)f(n) holds for each ...
A metric space X which is not complete has a Cauchy sequence which does not converge. The completion of X is obtained by adding the limits to the Cauchy sequences. For ...
