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The thinnest sequence which contains 1, and whenever it contains x, also contains 2x, 3x+2, and 6x+3: 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, ... (OEIS A005658).
A linear congruence equation ax=b (mod m) (1) is solvable iff the congruence b=0 (mod d) (2) with d=GCD(a,m) is the greatest common divisor is solvable. Let one solution to ...
Machin's formula is given by 1/4pi=4cot^(-1)5-cot^(-1)239. There are a whole class of Machin-like formulas with various numbers of terms (although only four such formulas ...
A method for computing the prime counting function. Define the function T_k(x,a)=(-1)^(beta_0+beta_1+...+beta_(a-1))|_x/(p_1^(beta_0)p_2^(beta_1)...p_a^(beta_(a-1)))_|, (1) ...
Mergelyan's theorem can be stated as follows (Krantz 1999). Let K subset= C be compact and suppose C^*\K has only finitely many connected components. If f in C(K) is ...
The sequence produced by starting with a_1=1 and applying the greedy algorithm in the following way: for each k>=2, let a_k be the least integer exceeding a_(k-1) for which ...
The next prime function NP(n) gives the smallest prime larger than n. The function can be given explicitly as NP(n)=p_(1+pi(n)), where p_i is the ith prime and pi(n) is the ...
Niven's theorem states that if x/pi and sinx are both rational, then the sine takes values 0, +/-1/2, and +/-1. Particular cases include sin(pi) = 0 (1) sin(pi/2) = 1 (2) ...
A set in which no element divides the sum of any nonempty subset of the other elements. For example, {2,3,5} is dividing, since 2|(3+5) (and 5|(2+3)), but {4,6,7} is ...
Let (A,<=) and (B,<=) be disjoint totally ordered sets with order types alpha and beta. Then the ordinal sum is defined at set (C=A union B,<=) where, if c_1 and c_2 are both ...
