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The so-called rule of three is an educational tool utilized historically to verbalize the process of solving basic linear equations with four terms where three of the terms ...
Sarnak's constant is the constant C_(Sarnak) = product_(p>=3)(1-(p+2)/(p^3)) (1) = 0.7236484022... (2) (OEIS A065476), where the product is over the odd primes.
The conjecture that all integers >1 occur as a value of the totient valence function (i.e., all integers >1 occur as multiplicities). The conjecture was proved by Ford ...
Let a and b be nonzero integers such that a^mb^n!=1 (except when m=n=0). Also let T(a,b) be the set of primes p for which p|(a^k-b) for some nonnegative integer k. Then ...
The tau conjecture, also known as Ramanujan's hypothesis after its proposer, states that tau(n)∼O(n^(11/2+epsilon)), where tau(n) is the tau function. This was proven by ...
The tetranacci constant is ratio to which adjacent tetranacci numbers tend, and is given by T = (x^4-x^3-x^2-x-1)_2 (1) = 1.92756... (2) (OEIS A086088), where (P(x))_n ...
The tribonacci constant is ratio to which adjacent tribonacci numbers tend, and is given by t = (x^3-x^2-x-1)_1 (1) = 1/3(1+RadicalBox[{19, -, 3, {sqrt(, 33, )}}, ...
A Wieferich prime is a prime p which is a solution to the congruence equation 2^(p-1)=1 (mod p^2). (1) Note the similarity of this expression to the special case of Fermat's ...
It is thought that the totient valence function N_phi(m)>=2, i.e., if there is an n such that phi(n)=m, then there are at least two solutions n. This assertion is called ...
Given relatively prime integers p and q (i.e., (p,q)=1), the Dedekind sum is defined by s(p,q)=sum_(i=1)^q((i/q))(((pi)/q)), (1) where ((x))={x-|_x_|-1/2 x not in Z; 0 x in ...
