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3581 - 3590 of 13135 for Square Triangular NumberSearch Results
A series suma(n)e^(-lambda(n)z), where a(n) and z are complex and {lambda(n)} is a monotonic increasing sequence of real numbers. The numbers lambda(n) are called the ...
A generalization of Fermat's little theorem. Euler published a proof of the following more general theorem in 1736. Let phi(n) denote the totient function. Then a^(phi(n))=1 ...
A prime p_n is called "good" if p_n^2>p_(n-i)p_(n+i) for all 1<=i<=n-1 (there is a typo in Guy 1994 in which the is are replaced by 1s). There are infinitely many good ...
The term "left factorial" is sometimes used to refer to the subfactorial !n, the first few values for n=1, 2, ... are 1, 3, 9, 33, 153, 873, 5913, ... (OEIS A007489). ...
A Saunders graphic is a plot of the dth base-b digits of a function f(x,y) as a function of x and y. The plots above show Saunders graphics for the functions ...
A prime p for which 1/p has a maximal period decimal expansion of p-1 digits. Full reptend primes are sometimes also called long primes (Conway and Guy 1996, pp. 157-163 and ...
The two recursive sequences U_n = mU_(n-1)+U_(n-2) (1) V_n = mV_(n-1)+V_(n-2) (2) with U_0=0, U_1=1 and V_0=2, V_1=m, can be solved for the individual U_n and V_n. They are ...
The concatenation of two strings a and b is the string ab formed by joining a and b. Thus the concatenation of the strings "book" and "case" is the string "bookcase". The ...
Define g(k) as the quantity appearing in Waring's problem, then Euler conjectured that g(k)=2^k+|_(3/2)^k_|-2, where |_x_| is the floor function.
The extended greatest common divisor of two integers m and n can be defined as the greatest common divisor GCD(m,n) of m and n which also satisfies the constraint ...
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