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3291 - 3300 of 13135 for Square Triangular NumberSearch Results

A method of computing the determinant of a square matrix due to Charles Dodgson (1866) (who is more famous under his pseudonym Lewis Carroll). The method is useful for hand ...
Conway's soldiers, also known as the "solitaire army" game (Berlekamp et al. 1982) or "checker-jumping problem" (Honsberger 1976) is a one-player game played on an infinite ...
A copositive matrix is a real n×n square matrix A=(a_(ij)) that makes the corresponding quadratic form f(x)=x^(T)Ax nonnegative for all nonnegative n-vectors x. Copositive ...
Adding a damping force proportional to x^. to the equation of simple harmonic motion, the first derivative of x with respect to time, the equation of motion for damped simple ...
Deck transformations, also called covering transformations, are defined for any cover p:A->X. They act on A by homeomorphisms which preserve the projection p. Deck ...
The Dejter graph is a weakly regular graph on 112 vertices and 336 edges with regular paremeters (nu,k,lambda,mu)=(112,6,0,(0,1,2)). It can be obtained by deleting a copy of ...
A doubly nonnegative matrix is a real positive semidefinite n×n square matrix with nonnegative entries. Any doubly nonnegative matrix A of order n can be expressed as a Gram ...
A dissection of a rectangle into smaller rectangles such that the original rectangle is not divided into two subrectangles. Rectangle dissections into 3, 4, or 6 pieces ...
Steiner gave and Droz-Farny (1901) proved that if equal circles are drawn about the vertices of a triangle (dashed circles in the above figure), they cut the lines joining ...
The Freemish crate, also called Escher's cube (Elber) or Hyzer's illusion (Pappas 1989, p. 13), is an impossible figure box that can be drawn but not built. It appears in ...
