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221 - 230 of 662 for Spherical HarmonicSearch Results

The van der Pol equation is an ordinary differential equation that can be derived from the Rayleigh differential equation by differentiating and setting y=y^'. It is an ...
How far can a stack of n books protrude over the edge of a table without the stack falling over? It turns out that the maximum overhang possible d_n for n books (in terms of ...
Krall and Fink (1949) defined the Bessel polynomials as the function y_n(x) = sum_(k=0)^(n)((n+k)!)/((n-k)!k!)(x/2)^k (1) = sqrt(2/(pix))e^(1/x)K_(-n-1/2)(1/x), (2) where ...
A coordinate system composed of intersecting surfaces. If the intersections are all at right angles, then the curvilinear coordinates are said to form an orthogonal ...
There are two types of functions known as Hankel functions. The more common one is a complex function (also called a Bessel function of the third kind, or Weber Function) ...
The latitude of a point on a sphere is the elevation of the point from the plane of the equator. The latitude delta is related to the colatitude (the polar angle in spherical ...
Is it possible to cover completely the surface of a sphere with congruent, nonoverlapping arcs of great circles? Conway and Croft (1964) proved that it can be covered with ...
A mapping of random number triples to points in spherical coordinates according to theta = 2piX_n (1) phi = piX_(n+1) (2) r = sqrt(X_(n+2)) (3) in order to detect unexpected ...
The placement of objects so that they touch in some specified manner, often inside a container with specified properties. For example, one could consider a sphere packing, ...
A torispherical dome is the surface obtained from the intersection of a spherical cap with a tangent torus, as illustrated above. The radius of the sphere R is called the ...
