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71 - 80 of 3276 for Special Unitary GroupSearch Results
The free part of the homology group with a domain of coefficients in the group of integers (if this homology group is finitely generated).
The center of a group is the set of elements which commute with every element of the group. It is equal to the intersection of the centralizers of the group elements.
The homeomorphism group of a topological space X is the set of all homeomorphisms f:X->X, which forms a group by composition.
The finite simple groups of Lie-type. They include four families of linear simple groups: PSL(n,q) (the projective special linear group), PSU(n,q) (the projective special ...
The fundamental group of an arcwise-connected set X is the group formed by the sets of equivalence classes of the set of all loops, i.e., paths with initial and final points ...
A group G such that the quotient group G/Z(G), where Z(G) is the group center of G, is Abelian. An equivalent condition is that the commutator subgroup G^' is contained in ...
A permutation group in which the permutations are limited to transpositions.
A primitive group action is transitive and it has no nontrivial group blocks. A transitive group action that is not primitive is called imprimitive. A group that has a ...
A group which is related to the Taniyama-Shimura conjecture.
One of the symmetry groups of the Platonic solids. There are three polyhedral groups: the tetrahedral group of order 12, the octahedral group of order 24, and the icosahedral ...