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321 - 330 of 3276 for Special Unitary GroupSearch Results
For an n×n matrix, let S denote any permutation e_1, e_2, ..., e_n of the set of numbers 1, 2, ..., n, and let chi^((lambda))(S) be the character of the symmetric group ...
The socle of a group G is the subgroup generated by its minimal normal subgroups. For example, the symmetric group S_4 has two nontrivial normal subgroups: A_4 and ...
Let M(X) denote the group of all invertible maps X->X and let G be any group. A homomorphism theta:G->M(X) is called an action of G on X. Therefore, theta satisfies 1. For ...
Let G be a locally compact Abelian group. Let G^* be the group of all continuous homeomorphisms G->R/Z, in the compact open topology. Then G^* is also a locally compact ...
A Steiner system S(t,k,v) is a set X of v points, and a collection of subsets of X of size k (called blocks), such that any t points of X are in exactly one of the blocks. ...
The symbol ker has at least two different meanings in mathematics. It can refer to a special function related to Bessel functions, or (written either with a capital or ...
The symbol ker has at least two different meanings in mathematics. It can refer to a special function related to Bessel functions, or (written either with a capital or ...
Each row and each column in the group multiplication table lists each of the group elements once and only once. From this, it follows that no two elements may be in the ...
Each of the sets forming a direct product is said to be a direct factor. A group G is said to be a direct factor of the group G^' if G^' is isomorphic to the group direct ...
Every closed three-manifold with finite fundamental group has a metric of constant positive scalar curvature, and hence is homeomorphic to a quotient S^3/Gamma, where Gamma ...