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The Weisfeiler-Leman dimension dim_(WL)(G) of a graph G, sometimes known as the WL dimension, is the smallest integer d such that the d-dimensional Weisfeiler-Leman algorithm ...
666 is the occult "number of the beast," also called the "sign of the devil" (Wang 1994), associated in the Bible with the Antichrist. It has figured in many numerological ...
The decimal expansion of a number is its representation in base-10 (i.e., in the decimal system). In this system, each "decimal place" consists of a digit 0-9 arranged such ...
The generalized minimal residual (GMRES) method (Saad and Schultz 1986) is an extension of the minimal residual method (MINRES), which is only applicable to symmetric ...
The smallest possible number of vertices a polyhedral nonhamiltonian graph can have is 11, and there exist 74 such graphs. The Goldner-Harary graph (Goldner and Harary 1975a, ...
A Haar graph H(n) is a bipartite regular indexed by a positive integer and obtained by a simple binary encoding of cyclically adjacent vertices. Haar graphs may be connected ...
A modulo multiplication group is a finite group M_m of residue classes prime to m under multiplication mod m. M_m is Abelian of group order phi(m), where phi(m) is the ...
A Pisot number is a positive algebraic integer greater than 1 all of whose conjugate elements have absolute value less than 1. A real quadratic algebraic integer greater than ...
The power tower of order k is defined as a^^k=a^(a^(·^(·^(·^a))))_()_(k), (1) where ^ is Knuth up-arrow notation (Knuth 1976), which in turn is defined by ...
For a right triangle with legs a and b and hypotenuse c, a^2+b^2=c^2. (1) Many different proofs exist for this most fundamental of all geometric theorems. The theorem can ...
