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271 - 280 of 914 for Small Dodeca DodecahedronSearch Results
Let p_n/q_n be the sequence of convergents of the continued fraction of a number alpha. Then a Brjuno number is an irrational number such that ...
A coordinate chart is a way of expressing the points of a small neighborhood, usually on a manifold M, as coordinates in Euclidean space. An example from geography is the ...
A dot plot, also called a dot chart, is a type of simple histogram-like chart used in statistics for relatively small data sets where values fall into a number of discrete ...
For a field K with multiplicative identity 1, consider the numbers 2=1+1, 3=1+1+1, 4=1+1+1+1, etc. Either these numbers are all different, in which case we say that K has ...
Five point geometry is a finite geometry subject to the following three axioms: 1. there exist exactly five points, 2. each two distinct points have exactly one line on both ...
Four line geometry is a finite geometry subject to the following three axioms: 1. there exist exactly four lines, 2. any two distinct lines have exactly one point of on both ...
The identity function id(x) is the function id(x)=x which assigns every real number x to the same real number x. It is identical to the identity map. The identity function is ...
For every k>=1, let C_k be the set of composite numbers n>k such that if 1<a<n, GCD(a,n)=1 (where GCD is the greatest common divisor), then a^(n-k)=1 (mod n). Special cases ...
For n>=1, let u and v be integers with u>v>0 such that the Euclidean algorithm applied to u and v requires exactly n division steps and such that u is as small as possible ...
To fit a functional form y=Ae^(Bx), (1) take the logarithm of both sides lny=lnA+Bx. (2) The best-fit values are then a = ...
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