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Let A be a C^*-algebra. An element a in A is called positive if a=a* and sp(a) subset= R^+, or equivalently if there exists an element b in A such that a=bb^*. For example, ...
A nonzero and noninvertible element a of a ring R which generates a prime ideal. It can also be characterized by the condition that whenever a divides a product in R, a ...
A principal ideal domain is an integral domain in which every proper ideal can be generated by a single element. The term "principal ideal domain" is often abbreviated P.I.D. ...
The principal value of an analytic multivalued function is the single value chosen by convention to be returned for a given argument. Complex multivalued functions have ...
A pseudoforest is an undirected graph in which every connected component contains at most one graph cycle. A pseudotree is therefore a connected pseudoforest and a forest ...
Pythagoras's theorem states that the diagonal d of a square with sides of integral length s cannot be rational. Assume d/s is rational and equal to p/q where p and q are ...
The quadratrix was discovered by Hippias of Elias in 430 BC, and later studied by Dinostratus in 350 BC (MacTutor Archive). It can be used for angle trisection or, more ...
Given a random variable X with continuous and strictly monotonic probability density function f(X), a quantile function Q_f assigns to each probability p attained by f the ...
The Radon-Nikodym theorem asserts that any absolutely continuous complex measure lambda with respect to some positive measure mu (which could be Lebesgue measure or Haar ...
The nth Ramanujan prime is the smallest number R_n such that pi(x)-pi(x/2)>=n for all x>=R_n, where pi(x) is the prime counting function. In other words, there are at least n ...
