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491 - 500 of 1319 for Sine IntegralSearch Results
The following conditions are equivalent for a conservative vector field on a particular domain D: 1. For any oriented simple closed curve C, the line integral ∮_CF·ds=0. 2. ...
Let f(t) and g(t) be arbitrary functions of time t with Fourier transforms. Take f(t) = F_nu^(-1)[F(nu)](t)=int_(-infty)^inftyF(nu)e^(2piinut)dnu (1) g(t) = ...
There are a number of graphs associated with J. H. Conway. The first is the unique rank-3 strongly regular graph with parameters (nu,k,lambda,mu)=(1408,567,246,216) with ...
Let {a_n} be a nonnegative sequence and f(x) a nonnegative integrable function. Define A_n = sum_(k=1)^(n)a_k (1) B_n = sum_(k=n)^(infty)a_k (2) and F(x) = int_0^xf(t)dt (3) ...
Ueberhuber (1997, p. 71) and Krommer and Ueberhuber (1998, pp. 49 and 155-165) use the word "quadrature" to mean numerical computation of a univariate integral, and ...
Cube point picking is the three-dimensional case of hypercube point picking. The average distance from a point picked at random inside a unit cube to the center is given by ...
A special case of Stokes' theorem in which F is a vector field and M is an oriented, compact embedded 2-manifold with boundary in R^3, and a generalization of Green's theorem ...
The inversion of a convolution equation, i.e., the solution for f of an equation of the form f*g=h+epsilon, given g and h, where epsilon is the noise and * denotes the ...
The divergence theorem, more commonly known especially in older literature as Gauss's theorem (e.g., Arfken 1985) and also known as the Gauss-Ostrogradsky theorem, is a ...
The elliptic logarithm is generalization of integrals of the form int_infty^x(dt)/(sqrt(t^2+at)), for a real, which can be expressed in terms of logarithmic and inverse ...
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