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A right angle is an angle equal to half the angle from one end of a line segment to the other. A right angle is pi/2 radians or 90 degrees. A triangle containing a right ...
A ruled surface is called a right conoid if it can be generated by moving a straight line intersecting a fixed straight line such that the lines are always perpendicular ...
Let A be an involutive algebra over the field C of complex numbers with involution xi|->xi^♭. Then A is a right Hilbert algebra if A has an inner product <·,·> satisfying: 1. ...
In a noncommutative ring R, a right ideal is a subset I which is an additive subgroup of R and such that for all r in R and all a in I, ar in I. (1) For all a in R, the set ...
Given a map f:S->T between sets S and T, the map g:T->S is called a right inverse to f provided that f degreesg=id_T, that is, composing f with g from the right gives the ...
A circle packing is called rigid (or "stable") if every circle is fixed by its neighbors, i.e., no circle can be translated without disturbing other circles of the packing ...
If the faces of a convex polyhedron were made of metal plates and the polyhedron edges were replaced by hinges, the polyhedron would be rigid. The theorem was stated by ...
A ring homomorphism is a map f:R->S between two rings such that 1. Addition is preserved:f(r_1+r_2)=f(r_1)+f(r_2), 2. The zero element is mapped to zero: f(0_R)=0_S, and 3. ...
Given a commutative unit ring R, and an R-module M, a sequence {x_1,...,x_n} of elements of R is called a regular sequence for M (or an M-sequence for short), if, for all ...
The spectrum of a ring is the set of proper prime ideals, Spec(R)={p:p is a prime ideal in R}. (1) The classical example is the spectrum of polynomial rings. For instance, ...
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