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The net graph is the graph on 6 vertices illustrated above. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as GraphData["NetGraph"]. The bipartite double graph of the net graph is ...
The triangle graph is the cycle graph C_3, which is isomorphic to the complete graph K_3 as well as to the complete tripartite graph K_(3×1)=K_(1,1,1) and the triangular ...
The Wagner graph is a name sometimes given to the 4-Möbius ladder (Bondy and Murty 2008, pp. 275-276). The association arises through the theorem of Wagner (1937) that graphs ...
The pentakis icosidodecahedral graph, illustrated above, is a graph on 42 vertices that is the skeleton of the pentakis icosidodecahedron.
The Tilley graph is a polyhedral graph that arises in the investigation of Kempe chainsKempe Chain (Tilley 2018). It has 12 vertices, 29 edges, and 19 faces (one of which is ...
The skeleton of a trapezohedron may be termed a trapezohedral graph. n-trapezohedral graphs are illustrated above for n=3 to 10 in circular embeddings with the two interior ...
The small triakis octahedron graph is Archimedean dual graph which is the skeleton of the small triakis octahedron. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as ...
The antenna graph is the graph on 6 vertices illustrated above. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as GraphData["AntennaGraph"].
The Pasch graph is the Levi graph of the Pasch configuration. The Pasch graph is edge-transitive but not vertex-transitive, but fails to be semisymmetric since it is not ...
The cubic Archimedean graph on 24 nodes and 36 edges that is the skeleton of the truncated cube. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as ...
