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A cubic symmetric graph is a symmetric cubic (i.e., regular of order 3). Such graphs were first studied by Foster (1932). They have since been the subject of much interest ...
A graph G having chromatic number chi(G)<=k is called a k-colorable graph (Harary 1994, p. 127). In contrast, a graph having chi(G)=k is said to be a k-chromatic graph. Note ...
Given two positive integers n and k, the bipartite Kneser graph H(n,k) is the graph whose two bipartite sets of vertices represent the k-subsets and (n-k)-subsets of ...
The word "convergent" has a number of different meanings in mathematics. Most commonly, it is an adjective used to describe a convergent sequence or convergent series, where ...
A distance-heredity graph, also known as a completely separable graph, is a graph G such that the distance matrix of every connected vertex-induced subgraph G_V of G is the ...
The doubly truncated Witt graph is the graph on 330 vertices related to a 3-(22,8,12) design (Brouwer et al. 1989, p. 367). The doubly truncated Witt graph can be constructed ...
Given any tree T having v vertices of vertex degrees of 1 and 3 only, form an n-expansion by taking n disjoint copies of T and joining corresponding leaves by an n-cycle ...
A Halin graph, sometimes known as a roofless polyhedron, is a polyhedral graph constructed from a planar embedding of a tree having four or more vertices, no vertices of ...
Araya and Wiener (2011) found the two cubic planar hypohamiltonian graphs on 70 and 88 vertices, respectively, illustrated above.
Suppose that E(G) (the commuting product of all components of G) is simple and G contains a semisimple group involution. Then there is some semisimple group involution x such ...
