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1581 - 1590 of 13135 for Simple probabilitySearch Results

An error in a statistical test which occurs when a false hypothesis is accepted (a false positive in terms of the null hypothesis).
An error in a statistical test which occurs when a true hypothesis is rejected (a false negative in terms of the null hypothesis).
A quantity which does not exhibit estimator bias. An estimator theta^^ is an unbiased estimator of theta if <theta^^>=theta.
Variables x_i and x_j are said to be uncorrelated if their covariance is zero: cov(x_i,x_j)=0. Independent statistics are always uncorrelated, but the converse is not ...
A sequence of numbers alpha_n is said to be uncorrelated if it satisfies lim_(n->infty)1/(2n)sum_(m=-n)^nalpha_m^2=1 lim_(n->infty)1/(2n)sum_(m=-n)^nalpha_malpha_(k+m)=0 for ...
The difference X_1-X_2 of two uniform variates on the interval [0,1] can be found as P_(X_1-X_2)(u) = int_0^1int_0^1delta((x-y)-u)dxdy (1) = 1-u+2uH(-u), (2) where delta(x) ...
The distribution of the product X_1X_2...X_n of n uniform variates on the interval [0,1] can be found directly as P_(X_1...X_n)(u) = ...
Possessing a single unique mode. The term unimodal distribution, which refers to a distribution having a single local maximum is a slight corruption of this definition.
Involving one variable, as opposed to two (bivariate) or many (multivariate).
The statistical index P_W=(sumsqrt(q_0q_n)p_n)/(sumsqrt(q_0q_n)p_0), where p_n is the price per unit in period n and q_n is the quantity produced in period n.
