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The power tower of order k is defined as a^^k=a^(a^(·^(·^(·^a))))_()_(k), (1) where ^ is Knuth up-arrow notation (Knuth 1976), which in turn is defined by ...
A prime constellation, also called a prime k-tuple, prime k-tuplet, or prime cluster, is a sequence of k consecutive numbers such that the difference between the first and ...
A primitive root of a prime p is an integer g such that g (mod p) has multiplicative order p-1 (Ribenboim 1996, p. 22). More generally, if GCD(g,n)=1 (g and n are relatively ...
In this work, the name Pythagoras's constant will be given to the square root of 2, sqrt(2)=1.4142135623... (1) (OEIS A002193), which the Pythagoreans proved to be ...
For a right triangle with legs a and b and hypotenuse c, a^2+b^2=c^2. (1) Many different proofs exist for this most fundamental of all geometric theorems. The theorem can ...
If there is an integer 0<x<p such that x^2=q (mod p), (1) i.e., the congruence (1) has a solution, then q is said to be a quadratic residue (mod p). Note that the trivial ...
A quadrilateral, sometimes also known as a tetragon or quadrangle (Johnson 1929, p. 61) is a four-sided polygon. If not explicitly stated, all four polygon vertices are ...
What is the maximum number of queens that can be placed on an n×n chessboard such that no two attack one another? The answer is n-1 queens for n=2 or n=3 and n queens ...
Unlike quadratic, cubic, and quartic polynomials, the general quintic cannot be solved algebraically in terms of a finite number of additions, subtractions, multiplications, ...
RSA numbers are difficult to-factor composite numbers having exactly two prime factors (i.e., so-called semiprimes) that were listed in the Factoring Challenge of RSA ...
