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In analysis, the phrase "Riesz-Fischer theorem" is used to describe a number of results concerning the convergence of Cauchy sequences in L-p spaces. The theorem is named for ...
The rising factorial x^((n)), sometimes also denoted <x>_n (Comtet 1974, p. 6) or x^(n^_) (Graham et al. 1994, p. 48), is defined by x^((n))=x(x+1)...(x+n-1). (1) This ...
A rose curve, also called Grandi's rose or the multifolium, is a curve which has the shape of a petalled flower. This curve was named rhodonea by the Italian mathematician ...
When discussing a rotation, there are two possible conventions: rotation of the axes, and rotation of the object relative to fixed axes. In R^2, consider the matrix that ...
Abstractly, a spatial configuration F is said to possess rotational symmetry if F remains invariant under the group C=C(F). Here, C(F) denotes the group of rotations of F and ...
Roundoff error is the difference between an approximation of a number used in computation and its exact (correct) value. In certain types of computation, roundoff error can ...
Rubik's Cube is a 3×3×3 cube in which the 26 subcubes on the outside are internally hinged in such a way that rotation (by a quarter turn in either direction or a half turn) ...
Ruffini's rule a shortcut method for dividing a polynomial by a linear factor of the form x-a which can be used in place of the standard long division algorithm. This method ...
Rule 102 is one of the elementary cellular automaton rules introduced by Stephen Wolfram in 1983 (Wolfram 1983, 2002). It specifies the next color in a cell, depending on its ...
Rule 110 is one of the elementary cellular automaton rules introduced by Stephen Wolfram in 1983 (Wolfram 1983, 2002). It specifies the next color in a cell, depending on its ...
