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An International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a code used to uniquely identify a book together. It also uniquely encodes the book's publisher and includes information about ...
Applying the stellation process to the icosahedron gives 20+30+60+20+60+120+12+30+60+60 cells of 11 different shapes and sizes (including the icosahedron itself). The ...
An idoneal number, also called a suitable number or convenient number, is a positive integer D for which the fact that a number is a monomorph (i.e., is expressible in only ...
In the early 1950s, Ernst Straus asked 1. Is every region illuminable from every point in the region? 2. Is every region illuminable from at least one point in the region? ...
An illusion is an object or drawing which appears to have properties which are physically impossible, deceptive, or counterintuitive. Kitaoka maintains a web page of ...
Although Descartes originally used the term "imaginary number" to refer to what is today known as a complex number, in standard usage today, "imaginary number" means a ...
The incidence matrix of a graph gives the (0,1)-matrix which has a row for each vertex and column for each edge, and (v,e)=1 iff vertex v is incident upon edge e (Skiena ...
Let |A| denote the cardinal number of set A, then it follows immediately that |A union B|=|A|+|B|-|A intersection B|, (1) where union denotes union, and intersection denotes ...
p^x is an infinitary divisor of p^y (with y>0) if p^x|_(y-1)p^y, where d|_kn denotes a k-ary Divisor (Guy 1994, p. 54). Infinitary divisors therefore generalize the concept ...
Infinity, most often denoted as infty, is an unbounded quantity that is greater than every real number. The symbol infty had been used as an alternative to M (1000) in Roman ...
