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12031 - 12040 of 13135 for Simple probabilitySearch Results
By analogy with the divisor function sigma_1(n), let pi(n)=product_(d|n)d (1) denote the product of the divisors d of n (including n itself). For n=1, 2, ..., the first few ...
A formula for the Bell polynomial and Bell numbers. The general formula states that B_n(x)=e^(-x)sum_(k=0)^infty(k^n)/(k!)x^k, (1) where B_n(x) is a Bell polynomial (Roman ...
A two-player game, also called crosscram, in which player H has horizontal dominoes and player V has vertical dominoes. The two players alternately place a domino on a board ...
The double factorial of a positive integer n is a generalization of the usual factorial n! defined by n!!={n·(n-2)...5·3·1 n>0 odd; n·(n-2)...6·4·2 n>0 even; 1 n=-1,0. (1) ...
A double Mersenne number is a number of the form M_(M_n)=2^(2^n-1)-1, where M_n is a Mersenne number. The first few double Mersenne numbers are 1, 7, 127, 32767, 2147483647, ...
All the propositions in projective geometry occur in dual pairs which have the property that, starting from either proposition of a pair, the other can be immediately ...
The most general forced form of the Duffing equation is x^..+deltax^.+(betax^3+/-omega_0^2x)=gammacos(omegat+phi). (1) Depending on the parameters chosen, the equation can ...
The Dyson mod 27 identities are a set of four Rogers-Ramanujan-like identities given by A(q) = 1+sum_(n=1)^(infty)(q^(n^2)(q^3;q^3)_(n-1))/((q;q)_n(q;q)_(2n-1)) (1) = ...
The Earls sequence gives the starting position in the decimal digits of pi (or in general, any constant), not counting digits to the left of the decimal point, at which a ...
The Egyptian Mathematical Leather Roll (EMLR), dates to the Middle Kingdom, and was purchased in Egypt in 1858 by Henry Rhind, near the time when the Rhind papyrus was ...
