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Game theory is a branch of mathematics that deals with the analysis of games (i.e., situations involving parties with conflicting interests). In addition to the mathematical ...
A generating function f(x) is a formal power series f(x)=sum_(n=0)^inftya_nx^n (1) whose coefficients give the sequence {a_0,a_1,...}. The Wolfram Language command ...
The mathematical study of the properties of the formal mathematical structures called graphs.
A Hamiltonian path, also called a Hamilton path, is a graph path between two vertices of a graph that visits each vertex exactly once. If a Hamiltonian path exists whose ...
Let s_k be the number of independent vertex sets of cardinality k in a graph G. The polynomial I(x)=sum_(k=0)^(alpha(G))s_kx^k, (1) where alpha(G) is the independence number, ...
The second knot polynomial discovered. Unlike the first-discovered Alexander polynomial, the Jones polynomial can sometimes distinguish handedness (as can its more powerful ...
A one-person game played on a rectangular lattice of lamps which can be turned on and off. A move consists of flipping a "switch" inside one of the squares, thereby toggling ...
The Lorenz attractor is an attractor that arises in a simplified system of equations describing the two-dimensional flow of fluid of uniform depth H, with an imposed ...
Mastermind is a simple two-player code-breaking board game invented in 1970 by Mordecai Meirowitz, an Israeli postmaster and telecommunications expert. It may have been ...
A k-matching in a graph G is a set of k edges, no two of which have a vertex in common (i.e., an independent edge set of size k). Let Phi_k be the number of k-matchings in ...
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