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A set of ascending sequences in a permutation is called a run (Graham et al. 1994) or sometimes a rise (Comtet 1974, p. 241). A sorted permutation consists of a single run, ...
A perpendicular bisector CD of a line segment AB is a line segment perpendicular to AB and passing through the midpoint M of AB (left figure). The perpendicular bisector of a ...
Perspective is the art and mathematics of realistically depicting three-dimensional objects in a two-dimensional plane, sometimes called centric or natural perspective to ...
Let G be a Lie group and let rho be a group representation of G on C^n (for some natural number n), which is continuous in the sense that the function G×C^n->C^n defined by ...
Let x:U->R^3 be a regular patch, where U is an open subset of R^2. Then (partiale)/(partialv)-(partialf)/(partialu) = eGamma_(12)^1+f(Gamma_(12)^2-Gamma_(11)^1)-gGamma_(11)^2 ...
If isosceles triangles with apex angles 2kpi/n are erected on the sides of an arbitrary n-gon A_0, and if this process is repeated with the n-gon A_1 formed by the free ...
A phi-prime is a prime number appearing in the decimal expansion of the golden ratio phi. The first few are 1618033, 1618033988749, ... (OEIS A064117). The numbers of decimal ...
For every positive integer n, there is a unique finite sequence of distinct nonconsecutive (not necessarily positive) integers k_1, ..., k_m such that ...
A pi-prime is a prime number appearing in the decimal expansion of pi. The known examples are 3, 31, 314159, 31415926535897932384626433832795028841, ... (OEIS A005042). The ...
Every nonconstant entire function attains every complex value with at most one exception (Henrici 1988, p. 216; Apostol 1997). Furthermore, every analytic function assumes ...
