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10521 - 10530 of 13135 for Simple probabilitySearch Results
A positive integer n is a veryprime iff all primes p<=sqrt(n) satisfy {|2[n (mod p)]-p|<=1 very strong; |2[n (mod p)]-p|<=sqrt(p) strong; |2[n (mod p)]-p|<=p/2 weak. (1) The ...
Every sufficiently large odd number is a sum of three primes (Vinogradov 1937). Ramachandra and Sankaranarayanan (1997) have shown that for sufficiently large n, the error ...
Vizing's theorem states that a graph can be edge-colored in either Delta or Delta+1 colors, where Delta is the maximum vertex degree of the graph. This partitions graphs into ...
An integral equation of the form f(x)=int_a^xK(x,t)phi(t)dt, where K(x,t) is the integral kernel, f(x) is a specified function, and phi(t) is the function to be solved for.
An integral equation of the form phi(x)=f(x)+int_a^xK(x,t)phi(t)dt, where K(x,t) is the integral kernel, f(x) is a specified function, and phi(t) is the function to be solved ...
A volume element is the differential element dV whose volume integral over some range in a given coordinate system gives the volume of a solid, V=intintint_(G)dxdydz. (1) In ...
A W^*-algebra is a C-*-algebra A for which there is a Banach space A_* such that its dual is A. Then the space A_* is uniquely defined and is called the pre-dual of A. Every ...
A basin of attraction in which every point on the common boundary of that basin and another basin is also a boundary of a third basin. In other words, no matter how closely a ...
Let F_n be the nth Fibonacci number, and let (p|5) be a Legendre symbol so that e_p=(p/5)={1 for p=1,4 (mod 5); -1 for p=2,3 (mod 5). (1) A prime p is called a Wall-Sun-Sun ...
Two polygons are congruent by dissection iff they have the same area. In particular, any polygon is congruent by dissection to a square of the same area. Laczkovich (1988) ...
