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In common usage, an ordinal number is an adjective which describes the numerical position of an object, e.g., first, second, third, etc. In formal set theory, an ordinal ...
A k-matching in a graph G is a set of k edges, no two of which have a vertex in common (i.e., an independent edge set of size k). Let Phi_k be the number of k-matchings of ...
A relation between compact boundaryless manifolds (also called closed manifolds). Two closed manifolds are bordant iff their disjoint union is the boundary of a compact ...
The French metro metric is an example for disproving apparently intuitive but false properties of metric spaces. The metric consists of a distance function on the plane such ...
A relation on a totally ordered set.
The complete products of a Boolean algebra of subsets generated by a set {A_k}_(k=1)^p of cardinal number p are the 2^p Boolean functions B_1B_2...B_p=B_1 intersection B_2 ...
A graceful graph is a graph that can be gracefully labeled. Special cases of graceful graphs include the utility graph K_(2,3) (Gardner 1983) and Petersen graph. A graph that ...
The interior of the triangle is the set of all points inside a triangle, i.e., the set of all points in the convex hull of the triangle's vertices. The simplest way to ...
The adjacency list representation of a graph consists of n lists one for each vertex v_i, 1<=i<=n, which gives the vertices to which v_i is adjacent. The adjacency lists of a ...
The n-Pasechnik graph is a strongly regular graph on (4n-1)^2 vertices constructed from a skew Hadamard matrix of order 4n. It has regular parameters . The 1-Pasechnik is ...