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A univariate distribution proportional to the F-distribution. If the vector d is Gaussian multivariate-distributed with zero mean and unit covariance matrix N_p(0,I) and M is ...
As Lagrange showed, any irrational number alpha has an infinity of rational approximations p/q which satisfy |alpha-p/q|<1/(sqrt(5)q^2). (1) Furthermore, if there are no ...
In the hyperbolic plane H^2, a pair of lines can be parallel (diverging from one another in one direction and intersecting at an ideal point at infinity in the other), can ...
The extension of a, an ideal in commutative ring A, in a ring B, is the ideal generated by its image f(a) under a ring homomorphism f. Explicitly, it is any finite sum of the ...
A type of number involving the roots of unity which was developed by Kummer while trying to solve Fermat's last theorem. Although factorization over the integers is unique ...
The radical of an ideal a in a ring R is the ideal which is the intersection of all prime ideals containing a. Note that any ideal is contained in a maximal ideal, which is ...
A non-zero module which is not the direct sum of two of its proper submodules. The negation of indecomposable is, of course, decomposable. An abstract vector space is ...
A differential ideal is an ideal I in the ring of smooth forms on a manifold M. That is, it is closed under addition, scalar multiplication, and wedge product with an ...
A point process N on R is said to be interval stationary if for every r=1,2,3,... and for all integers i_i,...,i_r, the joint distribution of {tau_(i_1+k),...,tau_(i_r+k)} ...
Let i_k(G) be the number of irredundant sets of size k in a graph G, then the irredundance polynomial R_G(x) of G in the variable x is defined as ...
