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An algebraic manifold is another name for a smooth algebraic variety. It can be covered by coordinate charts so that the transition functions are given by rational functions. ...
Let M^n be a compact n-dimensional oriented Riemannian manifold without boundary, let O be a group representation of pi_1(M) by orthogonal matrices, and let E(O) be the ...
An Anosov diffeomorphism is a C^1 diffeomorphism phi of a manifold M to itself such that the tangent bundle of M is hyperbolic with respect to phi. Very few classes of Anosov ...
An antisymmetric matrix, also known as a skew-symmetric or antimetric matrix, is a square matrix that satisfies the identity A=-A^(T) (1) where A^(T) is the matrix transpose. ...
Consider the excircles J_A, J_B, and J_C of a triangle, and the external Apollonius circle Gamma tangent externally to all three. Denote the contact point of Gamma and J_A by ...
Given a ship with a known constant direction and speed v, what course should be taken by a chase ship in pursuit (traveling at speed V) in order to intercept the other ship ...
Baer's criterion, also known as Baer's test, states that a module M over a unit ring R is injective iff every module homomorphism from an ideal of R to M can be extended to a ...
Ball tetrahedron picking is the selection of quadruples of points (corresponding to vertices of a general tetrahedron) randomly placed inside a ball. n random tetrahedra can ...
The Baum-Sweet sequence is the sequence of numbers {b_n} such that b_n=1 if the binary representation of n contains no block of consecutive 0s of odd length, and b_n=0 ...
The Behrmann cylindrical equal-area projection is a cylindrical equal-area projection with a standard parallel of phi_s=30 degrees.
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