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761 - 770 of 2717 for Sequences and seriesSearch Results
A gigantic prime is a prime with 10000 or more decimal digits. The first few gigantic primes are given by 10^(9999)+n for n=33603, 55377, 70999, 78571, 97779, 131673, 139579, ...
A prime p_n is called "good" if p_n^2>p_(n-i)p_(n+i) for all 1<=i<=n-1 (there is a typo in Guy 1994 in which the is are replaced by 1s). There are infinitely many good ...
A finite sequence of real numbers {a_k}_(k=1)^n is said to be logarithmically concave (or log-concave) if a_i^2>=a_(i-1)a_(i+1) holds for every a_i with 1<=i<=n-1. A ...
A Lucas chain for an integer n>=1 is an increasing sequence 1=a_0<a_1<a_2<...<a_r=n of integers such that every a_k, k>=1, can be written as a sum a_k=a_i+a_j of smaller ...
An n-step Lucas sequence {L_k^((n))}_(k=1)^infty is defined by letting L_k^((n))=-1 for k<0, L_0^((n))=n, and other terms according to the linear recurrence equation ...
The first few numbers not known to produce palindromes when applying the 196-algorithm (i.e., a reverse-then-add sequence) are sometimes known as Lychrel numbers. This term ...
A set in which no element divides the sum of any nonempty subset of the other elements. For example, {2,3,5} is dividing, since 2|(3+5) (and 5|(2+3)), but {4,6,7} is ...
Define a power difference prime as a number of the form n^n-(n-1)^(n-1) that is prime. The first few power difference primes then have n=2, 3, 4, 7, 11, 17, 106, 120, 1907, ...
A prime which does not divide the class number h(p) of the cyclotomic field obtained by adjoining a primitive pth root of unity to the field of rationals. A prime p is ...
The sequence 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, ... (OEIS A002024) consisting of 1 copy of 1, 2 copies of 2, 3 copies of 3, and so on. Surprisingly, there exist simple formulas ...
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