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A curve which may pass through any region of three-dimensional space, as contrasted to a plane curve which must lie in a single plane. Von Staudt (1847) classified space ...
The spherical curve taken by a ship which travels from the south pole to the north pole of a sphere while keeping a fixed (but not right) angle with respect to the meridians. ...
A well-known nursery rhyme states, "As I was going to St. Ives, I met a man with seven wives. Every wife had seven sacks, every sack had seven cats, every cat had seven ...
Thomae's theorem, also called Thomae's transformation, is the generalized hypergeometric function identity (1) where Gamma(z) is the gamma function, _3F_2(a,b,c;e,f;z) is a ...
While the pedal point, Cevian point, and even pedal-Cevian point are commonly used concepts in triangle geometry, there seems to be no established term to describe the ...
Rather surprisingly, trigonometric functions of npi/17 for n an integer can be expressed in terms of sums, products, and finite root extractions because 17 is a Fermat prime. ...
If replacing each number by its square or cube in a magic square produces another magic square, the square is said to be a trimagic square. Trimagic squares are also called ...
Given a reference triangle DeltaABC and a point P, the triple (x,y,z), with x=PA, y=PB and z=PC representing the distances from P to the vertices of the reference triangle, ...
The Weierstrass zeta function zeta(z;g_2,g_3) is the quasiperiodic function defined by (dzeta(z;g_2,g_3))/(dz)=-P(z;g_2,g_3), (1) where P(z;g_2,g_3) is the Weierstrass ...
The Fourier transform is a generalization of the complex Fourier series in the limit as L->infty. Replace the discrete A_n with the continuous F(k)dk while letting n/L->k. ...
