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A special case of Hölder's sum inequality with p=q=2, (sum_(k=1)^na_kb_k)^2<=(sum_(k=1)^na_k^2)(sum_(k=1)^nb_k^2), (1) where equality holds for a_k=cb_k. The inequality is ...
Given a subset A of a larger set, the characteristic function chi_A, sometimes also called the indicator function, is the function defined to be identically one on A, and is ...
(1-x^2)(d^2y)/(dx^2)-x(dy)/(dx)+alpha^2y=0 (1) for |x|<1. The Chebyshev differential equation has regular singular points at -1, 1, and infty. It can be solved by series ...
The Chu-Vandermonde identity _2F_1(-n,b;c;1)=((c-b)_n)/((c)_n) (1) (for n in Z^+) is a special case of Gauss's hypergeometric theorem _2F_1(a,b;c;1) = ((c-b)_(-a))/((c)_(-a)) ...
The probability P(a,n) that n random arcs of angular size a cover the circumference of a circle completely (for a circle with unit circumference) is ...
The complete elliptic integral of the second kind, illustrated above as a function of k, is defined by E(k) = E(1/2pi,k) (1) = ...
The most common form of cosine integral is Ci(x) = -int_x^infty(costdt)/t (1) = gamma+lnx+int_0^x(cost-1)/tdt (2) = 1/2[Ei(ix)+Ei(-ix)] (3) = -1/2[E_1(ix)+E_1(-ix)], (4) ...
The Coulomb wave function is a special case of the confluent hypergeometric function of the first kind. It gives the solution to the radial Schrödinger equation in the ...
The line R[s]=1/2 in the complex plane on which the Riemann hypothesis asserts that all nontrivial (complex) Riemann zeta function zeros lie. The plot above shows the first ...
A general system of fourth-order curvilinear coordinates based on the cyclide in which Laplace's equation is separable (either simply separable or R-separable). Bôcher (1894) ...
