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2141 - 2150 of 3891 for Second Order Ordinary Differential Equat...Search Results
Let omega be the cube root of unity (-1+isqrt(3))/2. Then the Eisenstein primes are Eisenstein integers, i.e., numbers of the form a+bomega for a and b integers, such that ...
Given a ring R with identity, the general linear group GL_n(R) is the group of n×n invertible matrices with elements in R. The general linear group GL_n(q) is the set of n×n ...
Given a hereditary representation of a number n in base b, let B[b](n) be the nonnegative integer which results if we syntactically replace each b by b+1 (i.e., B[b] is a ...
For all n, there exists a k such that the kth term of the Goodstein sequence G_k(n)=0. In other words, every Goodstein sequence converges to 0. The secret underlying ...
A minimal free resolution of a finitely generated graded module M over a commutative Noetherian Z-graded ring R in which all maps are homogeneous module homomorphisms, i.e., ...
Given a finitely generated Z-graded module M over a graded ring R (finitely generated over R_0, which is an Artinian local ring), define the Hilbert function of M as the map ...
Suppose that A is a Banach algebra and X is a Banach A-bimodule. For n=0, 1, 2, ..., let C^n(A,X) be the Banach space of all bounded n-linear mappings from A×...×A into X ...
A technically defined extension of the ordinary determinant to "higher dimensional" hypermatrices. Cayley (1845) originally coined the term, but subsequently used it to refer ...
An integral transform which is often written as an ordinary Laplace transform involving the delta function. The Laplace transform and Dirichlet series are special cases of ...
The projective special linear group PSL_n(q) is the group obtained from the special linear group SL_n(q) on factoring by the scalar matrices contained in that group. It is ...
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