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1571 - 1580 of 3891 for Second Order Ordinary Differential Equat...Search Results
The star graph S_n of order n, sometimes simply known as an "n-star" (Harary 1994, pp. 17-18; Pemmaraju and Skiena 2003, p. 248; Tutte 2005, p. 23), is a tree on n nodes with ...
The tetrakis hexahedral graph is Archimedean dual graph which is the skeleton of the disdyakis triacontahedron. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as ...
The truncated tetrahedral graph is the cubic Archimedean graph on 12 nodes and 18 edges that is the skeleton of the truncated tetrahedron. It is implemented in the Wolfram ...
The Bernoulli numbers B_n are a sequence of signed rational numbers that can be defined by the exponential generating function x/(e^x-1)=sum_(n=0)^infty(B_nx^n)/(n!). (1) ...
The Harries-Wong graph is one of the three (3,10)-cage graphs, the other two being the (10,3)-cage known as the Balaban 10-cage and the Harries graph. The Harries-Wong graph ...
Newton's method, also called the Newton-Raphson method, is a root-finding algorithm that uses the first few terms of the Taylor series of a function f(x) in the vicinity of a ...
A sphere is defined as the set of all points in three-dimensional Euclidean space R^3 that are located at a distance r (the "radius") from a given point (the "center"). Twice ...
The level set of a differentiable function f:R^n->R corresponding to a real value c is the set of points {(x_1,...,x_n) in R^n:f(x_1,...,x_n)=c}. For example, the level set ...
Maxwell's equations are the system of partial differential equations describing classical electromagnetism and therefore of central importance in physics. In the so-called ...
The maximum and minimum of the normal curvature kappa_1 and kappa_2 at a given point on a surface are called the principal curvatures. The principal curvatures measure the ...
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