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The Cesàro means of a function f are the arithmetic means sigma_n=1/n(s_0+...+s_(n-1)), (1) n=1, 2, ..., where the addend s_k is the kth partial sum ...
The closed graph theorem states that a linear operator between two Banach spaces X and Y is continuous iff it has a closed graph, where the "graph" {(x,f(x)):x in X} is ...
Codimension is a term used in a number of algebraic and geometric contexts to indicate the difference between the dimension of certain objects and the dimension of a smaller ...
The subset C of the Euclidean plane formed by the union of the x-axis, the line segment with interval [0,1] of the y-axis, and the sequence of segments with endpoints (1/n,0) ...
The compact-open topology is a common topology used on function spaces. Suppose X and Y are topological spaces and C(X,Y) is the set of continuous maps from f:X->Y. The ...
In continuum theory, a dendrite is a locally connected continuum that contains no simple closed curve. A semicircle is therefore a dendrite, while a triangle is not. The term ...
A continuum is hereditarily decomposable if each of its subcontinua is decomposable. An interval is hereditarily decomposable, as is a circle, whereas the buckethandle (also ...
Kakutani's fixed point theorem is a result in functional analysis which establishes the existence of a common fixed point among a collection of maps defined on certain ...
Given a map f:S->T between sets S and T, the map g:T->S is called a left inverse to f provided that g degreesf=id_S, that is, composing f with g from the left gives the ...
Linkages are linked (or constrained) mechanical structures such as those used in robots, excavators, engines, etc. They are also extensively used for character animation in ...
