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Also known as metric entropy. Divide phase space into D-dimensional hypercubes of content epsilon^D. Let P_(i_0,...,i_n) be the probability that a trajectory is in hypercube ...
The L^2-inner product of two real functions f and g on a measure space X with respect to the measure mu is given by <f,g>_(L^2)=int_Xfgdmu, sometimes also called the bracket ...
A representation of a Lie algebra g is a linear transformation psi:g->M(V), where M(V) is the set of all linear transformations of a vector space V. In particular, if V=R^n, ...
If g is a Lie algebra, then a subspace a of g is said to be a Lie subalgebra if it is closed under the Lie bracket. That is, a is a Lie subalgebra of g if for all x,y in a, ...
The n functions f_1(x), f_2(x), ..., f_n(x) are linearly dependent if, for some c_1, c_2, ..., c_n in R not all zero, sum_(i=1)^nc_if_i(x)=0 (1) for all x in some interval I. ...
A mathematical property P holds locally if P is true near every point. In many different areas of mathematics, this notion is very useful. For instance, the sphere, and more ...
A function is called locally integrable if, around every point in the domain, there is a neighborhood on which the function is integrable. The space of locally integrable ...
A manifold is a topological space that is locally Euclidean (i.e., around every point, there is a neighborhood that is topologically the same as the open unit ball in R^n). ...
A nonnegative function g(x,y) describing the "distance" between neighboring points for a given set. A metric satisfies the triangle inequality g(x,y)+g(y,z)>=g(x,z) (1) and ...
A topology induced by the metric g defined on a metric space X. The open sets are all subsets that can be realized as the unions of open balls B(x_0,r)={x in X|g(x_0,x)<r}, ...
