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An n-dimensional closed disk of radius r is the collection of points of distance <=r from a fixed point in n-dimensional Euclidean space. Krantz (1999, p. 3) uses the symbol ...
The study of efficient algorithms for solving geometric problems. Examples of problems treated by computational geometry include determination of the convex hull and Voronoi ...
Let gamma(t) be a smooth curve in a manifold M from x to y with gamma(0)=x and gamma(1)=y. Then gamma^'(t) in T_(gamma(t)), where T_x is the tangent space of M at x. The ...
A bounded linear operator T in B(H) on a Hilbert space H is said to be cyclic if there exists some vector v in H for which the set of orbits ...
A vector v on a Hilbert space H is said to be cyclic if there exists some bounded linear operator T on H so that the set of orbits {T^iv}_(i=0)^infty={v,Tv,T^2v,...} is dense ...
Given a contravariant basis {e^->_1,...,e^->_n}, its dual covariant basis is given by e^->^alpha·e^->_beta=g(e^->^alpha,e^->_beta)=delta_beta^alpha, where g is the metric and ...
A metric topology induced by the Euclidean metric. In the Euclidean topology of the n-dimensional space R^n, the open sets are the unions of n-balls. On the real line this ...
Fisheye perspective is a two-part projection. First, three-dimensional space is projected onto the surface of a hemisphere, by connecting every external point to the center ...
Consider a finite collection of points p=(p_1,...,p_n), p_i in R^d Euclidean space (known as a configuration) and a graph G whose graph vertices correspond to pairs of points ...
The standard Gauss measure of a finite dimensional real Hilbert space H with norm ||·||_H has the Borel measure mu_H(dh)=(sqrt(2pi))^(-dim(H))exp(1/2||h||_H^2)lambda_H(dh), ...
