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421 - 430 of 1199 for Sampling and Sample spacesSearch Results

If a map f:G->G^' from a group G to a group G^' satisfies f(ab)=f(b)f(a) for all a,b in G, then f is said to be an antihomomorphism.
A polynomial x^n+a_(n-1)x^(n-1)+...+a_1x+a_0 in which the coefficient of the highest order term is 1.
A signal sampled at a frequency higher than the Nyquist frequency is said to be oversampled beta times, where the oversampling ratio is defined as ...
A goodness-of-fit test for any statistical distribution. The test relies on the fact that the value of the sample cumulative density function is asymptotically normally ...
A set of sample problems in unconstrained optimization is given by loading Optimization`UnconstrainedProblems` and evaluating $FindMinimumProblems.
Given a power spectrum (a plot of power vs. frequency), aliasing is a false translation of power falling in some frequency range (-f_c,f_c) outside the range. Aliasing is ...
Quantization is a nonlinear process which generates additional frequency components (Thompson et al. 1986). This means that the signal is no longer band-limited, so the ...
A fundamental result of de Rham cohomology is that the kth de Rham cohomology vector space of a manifold M is canonically isomorphic to the Alexander-Spanier cohomology ...
An angle bracket is the combination of a bra and ket (bra+ket = bracket) which represents the inner product of two functions or vectors (or 1-forms), <f|g>=intf(x)g^|(x)dx in ...
For a normed space (X,||·||), define X^~ to be the set of all equivalent classes of Cauchy sequences obtained by the relation {x_n}∼{y_n} if and only if lim_(n)||x_n-y_n||=0. ...
