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The geometry of Finsler space.
Given a Euclidean n-space, H_n=n+1.
A space having dimension n>3.
A vector space possessing a norm.
n-dimensional Euclidean space.
Deck transformations, also called covering transformations, are defined for any cover p:A->X. They act on A by homeomorphisms which preserve the projection p. Deck ...
The measurable space (S^',S^') into which a random variable from a probability space is a measurable function.
A Liouville Space, also known as line space or "extended" Hilbert space, it is the Cartesian product of two Hilbert spaces.
A space endowed with a non-Euclidean elliptic geometry.
A Hermitian inner product space is a complex vector space with a Hermitian inner product.
