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A number of areas of mathematics have the notion of a "dual" which can be applies to objects of that particular area. Whenever an object A has the property that it is equal ...
Calabi-Yau spaces are important in string theory, where one model posits the geometry of the universe to consist of a ten-dimensional space of the form M×V, where M is a four ...
The cokernel of a group homomorphism f:A-->B of Abelian groups (modules, or abstract vector spaces) is the quotient group (quotient module or quotient space, respectively) ...
A continuous map f:X->Y between topological spaces is said to be null-homotopic if it is homotopic to a constant map. If a space X has the property that id_X, the identity ...
The underlying set of the fundamental group of X is the set of based homotopy classes from the circle to X, denoted [S^1,X]. For general spaces X and Y, there is no natural ...
The term limit comes about relative to a number of topics from several different branches of mathematics. A sequence x_1,x_2,... of elements in a topological space X is said ...
If f:E->B is a fiber bundle with B a paracompact topological space, then f satisfies the homotopy lifting property with respect to all topological spaces. In other words, if ...
Let X be a normed space, M and N be algebraically complemented subspaces of X (i.e., M+N=X and M intersection N={0}), pi:X->X/M be the quotient map, phi:M×N->X be the natural ...
A Cartesian tensor is a tensor in three-dimensional Euclidean space. Unlike general tensors, there is no distinction between covariant and contravariant indices for Cartesian ...
A Banach algebra is an algebra B over a field F endowed with a norm ||·|| such that B is a Banach space under the norm ||·|| and ||xy||<=||x||||y||. F is frequently taken to ...
