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An operator A:f^((n))(I)|->f(I) assigns to every function f in f^((n))(I) a function A(f) in f(I). It is therefore a mapping between two function spaces. If the range is on ...
The operator norm of a linear operator T:V->W is the largest value by which T stretches an element of V, ||T||=sup_(||v||=1)||T(v)||. (1) It is necessary for V and W to be ...
The term "poweroid" has at least two meanings. Sheffer sequences are sometimes called poweroids (Steffensen 1941, Shiu 1982, Di Bucchianico and Loeb 2000). Jackway and ...
Let (X,A,mu) and (Y,B,nu) be measure spaces, let R be the collection of all measurable rectangles contained in X×Y, and let lambda be the premeasure defined on R by ...
Let p run over all distinct primitive ordered periodic geodesics, and let tau(p) denote the positive length of p, then the Selberg zeta function is defined as ...
A short exact sequence of groups A, B, and C is given by two maps alpha:A->B and beta:B->C and is written 0->A->B->C->0. (1) Because it is an exact sequence, alpha is ...
The Steenrod algebra has to do with the cohomology operations in singular cohomology with integer mod 2 coefficients. For every n in Z and i in {0,1,2,3,...} there are ...
A strong Riemannian metric on a smooth manifold M is a (0,2) tensor field g which is both a strong pseudo-Riemannian metric and positive definite. In a very precise way, the ...
A topological algebra is a pair (A,tau), where A=(A,(f_i^A)_(i in I)) is an algebra and each of the operations f_i^A is continuous in the product topology. Examples of ...
Let A be a C^*-algebra having no unit. Then A^~=A direct sum C as a vector spaces together with 1. (a,lambda)+(b,mu)=(a+b,lambda+mu). 2. mu(a,lambda)=(mua,mulambda). 3. ...
