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An invertible linear transformation T:V->W is a map between vector spaces V and W with an inverse map which is also a linear transformation. When T is given by matrix ...
In abstract topology, a machine is method for producing infinite loop spaces and spectra. In automata theory, an abstract machine that is implemented in hardware is simply ...
Let (X,A,mu) and (Y,B,nu) be measure spaces. A measurable rectangle is a set of the form A×B for A in A and B in B.
The term metric signature refers to the signature of a metric tensor g=g_(ij) on a smooth manifold M, a tool which quantifies the numbers of positive, zero, and negative ...
A module homomorphism is a map f:M->N between modules over a ring R which preserves both the addition and the multiplication by scalars. In symbols this means that ...
Two real algebraic manifolds are equivalent iff they are analytically homeomorphic (Nash 1952).
A pullback is a general categorical operation appearing in a number of mathematical contexts, sometimes going under a different name. If T:V->W is a linear transformation ...
Let V and W be vector spaces over a field F, and let T:V->W be a linear transformation. Assuming the dimension of V is finite, then dim(V)=dim(Ker(T))+dim(Im(T)), where ...
There are at least two statements known as Schur's lemma. 1. The endomorphism ring of an irreducible module is a division algebra. 2. Let V, W be irreducible (linear) ...
A topological groupoid over B is a groupoid G such that B and G are topological spaces and alpha,beta, and multiplication are continuous maps. Here, alpha and beta are maps ...
