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61 - 70 of 502 for Riemann HypothesisSearch Results

Let Xi be the xi-function defined by Xi(iz)=1/2(z^2-1/4)pi^(-z/2-1/4)Gamma(1/2z+1/4)zeta(z+1/2). (1) Xi(z/2)/8 can be viewed as the Fourier transform of the signal ...
An Abelian differential is an analytic or meromorphic differential on a compact or closed Riemann surface.
Teichmüller's theorem asserts the existence and uniqueness of the extremal quasiconformal map between two compact Riemann surfaces of the same genus modulo an equivalence ...
Let a and b be nonzero integers such that a^mb^n!=1 (except when m=n=0). Also let T(a,b) be the set of primes p for which p|(a^k-b) for some nonnegative integer k. Then ...
The Skewes number (or first Skewes number) is the number Sk_1 above which pi(n)<li(n) must fail (assuming that the Riemann hypothesis is true), where pi(n) is the prime ...
The nontrivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function correspond to the eigenvalues of some Hermitian operator (Derbyshire 2004, pp. 277-278).
J_(nualphabeta)^mu=J_(nubetaalpha)^mu=1/2(R_(alphanubeta)^mu+R_(betanualpha)^mu), where R is the Riemann tensor.
Smale's problems are a list of 18 challenging problems for the twenty-first century proposed by Field medalist Steven Smale. These problems were inspired in part by Hilbert's ...
The cubefree part is that part of a positive integer left after all cubic factors are divided out. For example, the cubefree part of 24=2^3·3 is 3. For n=1, 2, ..., the first ...
For a smooth harmonic map u:M->N, where del is the gradient, Ric is the Ricci curvature tensor, and Riem is the Riemann tensor.
