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51 - 60 of 502 for Riemann HypothesisSearch Results

The longstanding conjecture that the nonimaginary solutions E_n of zeta(1/2+iE_n)=0, (1) where zeta(z) is the Riemann zeta function, are the eigenvalues of an "appropriate" ...
A set of three conjectures proposed by Weil in 1942 for extending Riemann hypothesis-like statements to classes of mathematical structures. The conjectures were proved by ...
Landau (1911) proved that for any fixed x>1, sum_(0<|I[rho]|<=T)x^rho=-T/(2pi)Lambda(x)+O(lnT) as T->infty, where the sum runs over the nontrivial Riemann zeta function zeros ...
The Montgomery-Odlyzko law (which is a law in the sense of empirical observation instead of through mathematical proof) states that the distribution of the spacing between ...
The Riemann's moduli space gives the solution to Riemann's moduli problem, which requires an analytic parameterization of the compact Riemann surfaces in a fixed ...
Consider the inequality sigma(n)<e^gammanlnlnn for integer n>1, where sigma(n) is the divisor function and gamma is the Euler-Mascheroni constant. This holds for 7, 11, 13, ...
Let theta(t) be the Riemann-Siegel function. The unique value g_n such that theta(g_n)=pin (1) where n=0, 1, ... is then known as a Gram point (Edwards 2001, pp. 125-126). An ...
The so-called explicit formula psi(x)=x-sum_(rho)(x^rho)/rho-ln(2pi)-1/2ln(1-x^(-2)) gives an explicit relation between prime numbers and Riemann zeta function zeros for x>1 ...
The appearance of nontrivial zeros (i.e., those along the critical strip with R[z]=1/2) of the Riemann zeta function zeta(z) very close together. An example is the pair of ...
A derivative of a complex function, which must satisfy the Cauchy-Riemann equations in order to be complex differentiable.
