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The sequence 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, ... (OEIS A002024) consisting of 1 copy of 1, 2 copies of 2, 3 copies of 3, and so on. Surprisingly, there exist simple formulas ...
The slant height of an object (such as a frustum, or pyramid) is the distance measured along a lateral face from the base to the apex along the "center" of the face. In other ...
Let V be a real vector space (e.g., the real continuous functions C(I) on a closed interval I, two-dimensional Euclidean space R^2, the twice differentiable real functions ...
The tau conjecture, also known as Ramanujan's hypothesis after its proposer, states that tau(n)∼O(n^(11/2+epsilon)), where tau(n) is the tau function. This was proven by ...
A Tauberian theorem is a theorem that deduces the convergence of an series on the basis of the properties of the function it defines and any kind of auxiliary hypothesis ...
Term rewriting systems are reduction systems in which rewrite rules apply to terms. Terms are built up from variables and constants using function symbols (or operations). ...
Given a complex measure mu, there exists a positive measure denoted |mu| which measures the total variation of mu, also sometimes called simply "total variation." In ...
A left Hilbert Algebra A whose involution is an antilinear isometry is called a unimodular Hilbert algebra. The involution is usually denoted xi|->xi^*.
A nonparametric alternative to the paired t-test which is similar to the Fisher sign test. This test assumes that there is information in the magnitudes of the differences ...
A diagram lemma which states that every short exact sequence of chain complexes and chain homomorphisms 0-->C-->^phiD-->^psiE-->0 gives rise to a long exact sequence in ...
